how to increase your productivity at work

How To Increase Your Productivity At Work

Don’t you love those days when you wake up feeling rested and refreshed, powering through your day at work, look up at the clock at it’s already the afternoon? Love that feeling when you leave work that you have achieved so much and feel like you really kicked goals today? But then others when you

Career Defining Moments – Part 1 “Stepping Up”

“She’s really stepped up over the past few months”  Few statements elicit more pride, fulfilment or contentment in a leader, than hearing feedback about one of your employees like this.  I’ve heard this comment and others like it about one of our team members several times recently and each time it has put a smile

Internal mobility – A possible solution to fight the current talent shortage and retention challenges

There is absolutely no doubt, it is not only hard to find quality talent in 2021, but retaining talent is also proving a challenge. You only need to speak to any hiring manager, HR professional, recruiter or anyone looking to engage and retain talent, to know it is tough. Job ads are underperforming – the

How to Get Maximum Value from Job Hunting in the New Normal

How to Get Maximum Value from Job Hunting in the New Normal

What does the new normal look like for job seekers? It is a chance to transform any ups and downs of job hunting into self-evaluation for boosting your skills and education. See 3 quick tips to maximise your efforts. The world has been through voluminous changes over the past year, and there is no doubting

How to communicate better with Co-workers and employees

Be better at work – How to communicate better with Co-workers and employees

We all know communication is critical to success in life, but also in business. Most of the work we do requires collaborating and coordinating with others, and one’s ability to communicate effectively with peers, subordinates, clients and customers is tremendously important. If done well, you could say it is the ultimate superpower. How confident are