admin, Author at Optimum Consulting

Support People Through Change

Change is inevitable and can be hard. Here is how to make it less painful and support your employees through it.

Change is an inevitable part of any organisation. Currently we are seeing organisations experience periods of change including organisational restructures, mergers and acquisitions, change in leadership, divestments and many more. It can be a stressful and challenging time for employees. Some will handle it better than others and supporting your employees through it is an

team motivation

Simple tips for a motivated workforce

We are now almost one month into a new financial year in Australia, halfway through a calendar year or a financial year to many US or European headquartered companies. The winter has truly set in in the southern states making some days particularly dark and cold. How can we keep our teams motivated to start

job market

Navigating the Changing Job Market

In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, change is happening faster than ever before. Having been a recruiter for over two decades now, and witnessing this transformation firsthand, I have observed several key trends reshaping how candidates approach their careers and how companies seek talent. 1. Be Adaptable One of the most striking changes

business development

The Consulting Challenge – Balancing Business Development with Delivery

Ever-present in a consulting and advisory business, is the ongoing challenge of balancing business development (BD) with delivery activities.  Common among the myriad of consulting and advisory firms out there, regardless of industry sector, they all need to ‘win’ the work, then ‘deliver’ the solution, and keep this cycle going.  Different Approaches In some firms

resume best practices

I’ve reviewed 7,861 CVs this year. Here’s what the best CVs do.

Most jobs now are getting over 100 applicants in their first week. When you apply, your CV joins a pile. If you aren’t using a recruiter, a hiring manager will likely spend a couple of hours cutting that list down to a shortlist. Spelling error? You’re gone. Generic blurb about vague career aspirations? See you later.

selfcare tips to be productive

Boost Workplace Productivity Through Self-Care Practices

Making time for yourself and establishing a good routine of looking after yourself can actually be key in helping you to be more productive in the workplace. You know the old saying, “There are only so many hours in the day” is so true, so why not make the most of your time and achieve

corporate social responsibility

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is Crucial for Australian Businesses

Last week I was asked by a client how important did I think Corporate Social Responsibility was in Australian Businesses today? Well, in my humble opinion, it is extremely important for any business to move forward.  At Optimum Consulting, we recently learnt a very valuable lesson, as we have not previously broadcast our CSR and

7 Habits to Transform Your Life

Mastering Success: 7 Habits to Transform Your Life

In the journey towards success, it’s not just about the big leaps but also the consistent small steps. Success isn’t an overnight transformation; it’s a culmination of habits, routines, and mindset. Just like drops of water filling a bucket, these habits gradually build momentum, leading to significant achievements. Let’s look into seven habits that can

employee engagement decrease

Employee Engagement on the decrease?

It is Employee Engagement season here at Optimum Consulting and 2024 is proving to be an interesting year!  In my opinion, we are entering the first fully normalised period since the Covid pandemic, and the balance of employee expectations and employer expectations is certainly evident. Coming from an employee-led market with record low unemployment levels