
Not Just Warm Fuzzies

Working to live or living to work? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, one in six employees work 49 hours or more each week. In numbers, this translates to almost 1.7 million people. If you then account for the fact that the average person sleeps around 7 hours per night, this means that we

Taking Advantage; Legally and Ethically

Life is full of challenges. Every day we are all faced with decisions to make with regards to our personal lives, our social endeavours and our work pursuits. Sometimes, these decisions provide us with opportunities to better ourselves; to rise up whatever pecking order we are in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ambition and

A Healthy Dose of Reality

Last week, I had a reality check. It wasn’t pleasant. It made me feel like a real fool and hopefully made one of my friends feel like a fool. It made me feel selfish and arrogant. I would like to share it with you all in the hope that it resonates with you all as

How To Be Punctual

I hate lateness when it comes to my day at work, it is one of my pet hates and I try to avoid it at all costs. 23 years ago l heard my first ever boss speaking to a former colleague when she arrived to work at 8.30am, “if you were catching the 8.30am train

The Right Feedback Is Better Than More Feedback

I was recently reading an article which reminded me just how important it is for leaders to understand the differences in people and how they process information. It was an article about two personality types described commonly as Introvert and Extrovert. These types are known to have unique ways of feeling re-energized and motivated. They

Fishing Is Not What I Signed Up For

I am not a fisherman and I don’t eat seafood.  In my opinion fish smell bad, taste bad and the hassle of getting them from the sea to the plate seems far too much of a smelly mess for this red meat eater.  So when a good mate gave my eldest son a fishing rod

Who Earns More? The Modern Day Breadwinner…

After a recent night out with the girls a very interesting subject was brought up, one that I found myself contemplating – Who are the new “Bread Winners”? Do you earn more than your partner? It was an interesting discussion and one that was fuelled by wine, so I was surprised to hear about what

“The Fish Rots From The Head”

This was the quote that I heard last week from former Australian cricket star Dean Jones, following the dramatic sacking of national coach Mickey Arthur. Now readers of my blogs will be well aware that I am a sports “junkie” – I watch nearly any sport from MMA to diving but cricket does hold a

How Would You Remunerate FIFO Workers?

Recently I read a review that was sent to me about FIFO workers and how overpaid they are in Australia. Well I beg to differ – My husband is a FIFO worker and he earns a good salary for what he does (around $140,000 per year) but to be very honest so do most accountants,