recruitment 101

Recruitment 101: Important Things That Recruiters Need To Know

As we move at pace into the different generations of technology and dive into the world of AI, there are recruitment basics that a recruiter should always follow and abide by. Relationships with our candidates are not direct these days, but indirectly done electronically and sometimes candidates are even submitted to the clients without their

thank you to our unsung heroes

A Shout-Out to the Unsung Heroes of the Workplace

Every workplace has people behind the scenes, laying the platform for others to shine. To all those people – THANK YOU! I’ve spent my career in customer facing roles, engaging with external customers and I regularly receive thanks for the work I’ve done for them. I’m fortunate to be able to receive positive reinforcement by

Resilience: An Important Lesson Taught Young

“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” – prophetic words spoken by the iconic movie character Rocky Balboa to his protégé Adonis “Donnie” Creed in the movie Creed. This simple phrase says a great