cultural fit

Assessing cultural fit during the hiring process is becoming increasingly important for organisations. It is the number one thing that our clients ask us when we are recruiting on their behalf. Yes, skills are important but if they do not fit their Company Culture it can be downhill from here.  By this I mean cultural fit looks at the alignment between a candidate’s set of values, work style, personality, and the organisation’s values, norms, and expectations.

It is all about ensuring that a new employee fits well within the company culture which can then lead to higher levels of employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

When employees feel like they fit in with their co-workers and company’s values, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. A strong cultural fit can also lead to higher levels of employee retention, as employees who feel like they fit in are less likely to look for new job opportunities. On the other hand, hiring an employee who does not fit well within the company culture can lead to a host of issues from decreased productivity, increased turnover rates, and a negative impact on the company’s overall culture.

Below are some ideas on evaluating the candidates during the interview to ensure they are a good culture fit for your business and success.

In my humble opinion, I would say that at every interview you should “Define your Company Culture”. This includes your company’s values, norms, and expectations. Once the candidate has a clear understanding of this, you can evaluate whether they will fit well into the organisation by:

1. Asking behavioural questions

Behavioural questions can provide insight into a candidate’s values and work style. For example, you could ask questions such as “Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to a new team or work environment.” Their responses will give you an idea of how they adapt to new situations, which can be indicative of their cultural fit.

2. Conduct cultural assessments

Cultural assessments can provide a more objective evaluation of a candidate’s cultural fit. Optimum has a huge array of options we can offer here such as personality tests, values assessments, and work style assessments. These assessments provide insights into a candidate’s values, work style, and personality, which can help you determine whether they will fit well within the company culture.

3. Involve multiple team members in the hiring process

If you involve multiple team members in the hiring process this can help you evaluate cultural fit more accurately.

4. Evaluate their past experiences

Look at the candidate’s past experiences and how they have worked within different organisational cultures. References from previous employers should give you an idea of how they fit in with their previous company’s culture.

5. Consider diversity and inclusion

While cultural fit is important, it’s also important to ensure that the hiring process is diverse and inclusive. Make sure that you’re not hiring solely based on cultural fit, as this can lead to a lack of diversity within the organisation. Strive for a balance between cultural fit and diversity and inclusion.

So, in a “nutshell”, assessing cultural fit during the hiring process is crucial for the long-term success of the organisation and will improve your chances of finding the right candidate who will fit well into your company culture and become an integral part of your team.

As I mentioned, Optimum have a plethora of tools that can help with this so please reach out to anyone of us, anytime.

Group Manager – Business Development

Alicia is a seasoned Recruitment Consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the Brisbane market. Having dealt with a diversified range of clients she has expertise in helping employers build “best in class” talent acquisition and talent management capabilities to attract, engage and retain high performing staff.

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