Are you a member of the Sandwich Generation and looking to thrive?

Are you juggling multifaceted responsibilities in terms of parents and children, and looking to thrive and not just survive, in your professional life?

Congratulations; You’re a member of the Sandwich Generation.

The good news is, we sandwiches can absolutely continue to grow our careers while we also raise our children and care for our aging parents – but it takes careful planning, deep thought, and crucially, the right role.

The best thing about my job is the people I get to meet, and the chance to talk to them about how they juggle these competing responsibilities. I’ve met some absolute professional powerhouses over the last few months and found that the ‘sandwich’ challenge is common. And while great strides have been made in workplace flexibility and the practicalities of sandwich life, we haven’t paused to consider how the ongoing pressure of it impacts work performance, work satisfaction, cognitive load and health and wellbeing.

I get it: we haven’t stopped to consider our circumstances because we simply don’t have the time.

But I truly believe that we need to make the time to consider how we can better navigate the sandwich years – when we’re mid-career, well-established in our organisations of choice, but with loads of professional responsibilities locked in a perpetual struggle with our private commitments.

Are you a member of the Sandwich Generation and looking to thrive?

Start by asking yourself:

What can I do to look after myself as I manage my ‘sandwich’ years?

  • Give yourself a break. Recognise that you have competing priorities and that you can’t be ‘on’ all the time.
  • Tap into your support networks – we all need help sometimes, and we can return the favour.
  • Be brave and share your experience with trusted friends and colleagues – you’ll find you’re not alone.
  • Consider how you can adjust your work operating rhythm. Heightened stress and lack of time often means you will make errors you wouldn’t normally – acknowledge this and build space to your work delivery timelines to build in extra quality assurance.
  • Find the right outlet for your stress – walking, reading, powerlifting – whatever!
  • Reduce some of the kids’ extracurricular activities so you are not spread too thin. Give yourself permission to drop some things and just be.
  • Recognise this is temporary and situational.
Are you a member of the Sandwich Generation and looking to thrive?

What can I do as a leader in my organisation to support not only myself, but also my ‘sandwich’ colleagues?

  • Consider your organisation’s values – now is the time to ensure they’re not just PR spin plastered on the wall. Think about how your values are actually displayed in your organization or even at certain team levels – can people really be honest about their challenges if there is a culture of being a superhero at all times and just “powering through”.
  • Your employees may not fully disclose what is happening in their personal lives – build trust, understanding and empathy as a leader by being authentic. Don’t just say the right things – do the right things. Walk the walk.
  • Focus on the outcomes, not the “time commitment”.
  • Most high-performing professionals find it hard to ask for help. Initiate conversations with your team members about their needs, and how you can facilitate it so they can deliver their best work.
  • Consider more than ‘time flexibility’. Consider workload, which deadlines can be extended, and whether the priorities are correct. Balance the organisational needs and those of the individual.

And finally remember, nothing lasts forever.  This is a time in our lives, and it’s not a reflection on our professional performance or capability. We may be sandwiches… but everyone loves sandwiches!

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